Case ID: I24-001L

Published: 2024-04-30 08:47:18

Last Updated: 1739448213


Maria Cohen
Gordon Cohen

Technology categories

Life Science (All LS Techs)Medical Devices

Licensing Contacts

Jovan Heusser
Director of Licensing and Business Development
[email protected]

UV Sterilizing Catheter and Connector System

Although there have been significant strides made to reduce nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections, they still account for 1.7 million infections and result in 99,000 deaths annually (CDC). While these infections can stem from a variety of hospital related procedures, placement of an intravenous access line (either peripheral or central), is one of the most common procedures and creates a frequently accessed entry point for bacteria. Because of this, many conventional catheter systems utilize disposable molded plastic components that are removed and discarded each time the line is accessed. This is not only costly but creates additional risk for bacterial exposure. One solution utilizes UV-C technology to sterilize the closure cap, however, it can only operate when the catheter line is capped, which hinders fluid flow. Further, bacteria can still be introduced to a patient when fluid passes through the interior of the catheter. The adoption of innovative tools is needed to establish safer catheter practices and reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and related mortalities.
Dr. Gordon Cohen, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Maria Cohen have developed and patented a novel UV sterilizing catheter system that allows for the sterilization of not only the catheter and connector components but also fluid that is flowing within the system. This innovative solution uses UV light sources, such as UV LEDs, strategically placed in or on the UV transmissive system components (catheter connectors as well as within the catheter itself), to sterilize the inner and outer surface of the entire system. Further, the system utilizes flow sensing technology, which upon detecting the presence of fluid movement, initiates the sterilization process. The UV light may also be turned on manually.
This technology significantly advances safe catheter practices and provides a promising solution for the prevention of catheter-related nosocomial infections.
Potential Applications
  • Safer intravascular access for medical procedures utilizing
  • IV catheters
  • Bladder catheters
  • Endotracheal tubes
  • Peritoneal dialysis catheters
  • More
Benefits and Advantages
  • The use of sterilization techniques on the catheter system as well as the fluid
  • Further reduces the risk of bacteria being introduced to the patient
  • Cost effective – does not require caps to be removed and discarded each time the line is accessed
  • Because sterilization can be performed during fluid flow, the need to cap a catheter line for sterilization is eliminated, and flow is not hindered
  • Utilizes a sensor system to initiate UV sterilization automatically
  • A reflective lining may be inserted between the inner and outer wall to intensify the UV light beam