Scientist working in a lab

Your work matters

ASU researchers are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges, from reliable grid power and DNA computing to cancer detection and weight management. Skysong Innovations collaborates with faculty, students, and partners across academia and industry to help their cutting-edge research deliver a meaningful societal impact.

Office hours – Every Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Have questions about intellectual property (IP) or filing a patent application related to your research?

Drop in to ask how Skysong Innovations can help protect your IP.

Skysong Innovations In Person Office Hours:

Tempe Campus
Biodesign A204

Polytechnic Campus
Santa Catalina 138

Health Futures Center
HFC Conference Room 314

Skysong Innovations Virtual Office Hours:

How do you benefit?


Our experienced team will guide you through the process with the goal of filing the best patent and/or copyright application possible to ensure your commercial success.


Inventors and their labs receive a share of licensing revenues. Sponsored research agreements can provide additional funding going forward.


Technology transfer activities are now credited in the tenure and promotion process in some ASU departments, including the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Steps to working with us

Man talking to two individuls whose backs are to us.

1. Invention disclosure

We have the expertise to transform scientific research and innovation into commercially viable technology. The first step of this process requires you completing and submitting a Disclosure form, providing a description of your invention.

Two women sitting at a laptop discussing what is on the laptop sceeen.

2. Technology evaluation

Skysong Innovations’ team will evaluate your technology’s commercial viability and IP potential. Our industry experts and patent counsel may also assess your invention to provide a more robust perspective on its marketability.

Man sitting at his desk talking on his cell phone

3. Marketing

Skysong Innovations staff actively contact potential licensing targets who will discuss your invention and determine their interest. The marketing and licensing process is ongoing, and may be done in stages as improvements are made.

Man and woman leaning on desk having a discussion.

4. IP protection

Skysong Innovations closely safeguards new technologies to provide all parties with the highest level of protection in licensing transactions. We carefully balance your academic and commercial interests with thoughtful planning and ongoing collaboration with faculty, researchers and students.

Person's hands removing file from filing cabinet drawer.

5. Technology licensing

Once Skysong Innovations finds a licensee for your invention, we negotiate, execute and manage the resulting license agreement. Negotiating a license agreement can be a lengthy process. Please be aware that not all inventions make their way to the licensing stage.

Intellectual Property 101

Skysong Innovations operates as the exclusive intellectual property management and technology transfer organization for ASU.

When you look at the universities ASU ranked ahead of, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Duke, you can go down the list, these are premier research universities and ASU has moved ahead of them. ASU has a top notch research apparatus in place, especially with President Michael Crow’s emphasis on research that doesn’t just advance scientific knowledge but also is relevant to the marketplace.

Ross DeVol Chief Research Officer at the Milken Institute

ASU ranked #11 for Innovation Impact Productivity among large, comprehensive research universities.

George W. Bush Institute The Innovation Impact of U.S. Universities

We appreciated in ASU a research team and a technology that did not just reflect the competence of the inventor, but their experience and their attitude towards industry.

Andrea Mills Zcube

ASU is absolutely a remarkable school for tech transfer.

Stuart Lindsay and Nadine and Edward Carson Regent’s Professor, Professor of physics and chemistry

Skysong Innovations is an invaluable resource for the broad spectrum and translational impact of our engineering faculty’s research. Their expertise and infrastructure is critical for us to determine potential commercial impact and further a culture of use-inspired research.

Kyle D. Squires Dean of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

It is a pleasure to work with the business development and patent professionals at Skysong Innovations. They are responsive to our needs, proactive in their thinking and transparent about the activities and decision-making processes related to commercializing ASU technologies.

Joshua LaBaer Executive Director and Professor, Biodesign Institute, ASU

ASU is #6 in technology transfer rankings for universities without a medical school (#21 overall).

Milken Institute Report, 2017

We have been quite fortunate to be able to work with world-class researchers at ASU focused on use-inspired research activities. Our team partners with industry and investors to execute rapid and efficient deals that aren’t bogged down by the typical institutional constraints.

Augustine Cheng Skysong Innovations CE