Case ID: M13-208P^

Published: 2020-02-26 11:07:11

Last Updated: 1739446114


Ryan Trovitch
Tufan Mukhopadhyay
Raja Pal
Hagit Ben-Daat
Tyler Porter

Technology categories

Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology

Technology keywords

Materials and Electronics
Mechanical and Manufacturing

Licensing Contacts

Physical Sciences Team

Late First-Row Transition Metal Hydrogenation and Hydrosilylation Catalysts

The processes of Hydrosilylation or Hydrogenation are widely used in the manufacturing of silicone-based materials and as a precursor in pharmaceuticals. These materials include coatings, adhesives, sealants, and cured rubbers. These processes rely on the use of metal catalysts. Unfortunately, these catalysts are relatively toxic, rare, and are very expensive. The metals used in these catalysts include platinum, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium. Due to the cost and availability of the precious metals required to manufacture the catalysts, an inexpensive alternative is needed that provides sustainable alternatives. It is important that a new catalyst exhibit the same qualities as those currently used in manufacturing.

Researchers at Arizona State University have developed a new compound for use as a catalyst in Hydrosilylation or Hydrogenation reactions. This material is sustainable, uses abundant metals including manganese, iron, cobalt, or nickel, and it becomes a coumpound that contains a supporting ligand. This innovation exhibits the qualities that make it a very desirable catalyst, and it is far less expensive than products currently on the market. In addition, the compound is less toxic to the environment than the catalysts it would replace.

Potential Applications

  • Silicon sealants, coatings, and adhesive products
  • Tire manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals

Benefits and Advantages

  • Lower Costs – Uses inexpensive, abundant materials
  • Environmentally Sound – Uses materials that have low toxicity
  • Retrofit – Can be used as a substitute for existing catalysts

For more information about the inventor(s) and their research, please see
Dr. Ryan Trovitch's directory webpage