Case ID: M23-275P^

Published: 2024-07-01 14:14:22

Last Updated: 1739448080


Matthew Green
Jae Sang Lee

Technology categories

Advanced Materials/NanotechnologyApplied TechnologiesPhysical Science

Licensing Contacts

Physical Sciences Team

Poly(Tetramethylene Oxide)-Based Segmented Ionenes Block Copolymer with Aliphatic or DABCO Hard Segments


Ionenes contain charges in their polymer backbones, as opposed to traditional ionomers that have charges on the pendant site of the backbone. Ionenes, whether positive or negative, typically fall into two categories- either segmented or non-segmented. Segmented ionenes contain alternating hard and soft segments along the polymer backbone, and typically the soft segments have a higher molecular weight than the hard segments. This produces polymers that have advanced thermal and mechanical properties, and have an environmentally friendly synthesis process. However, there has been limited research done on the influence of type, structure, and content of soft and hard segments of segmented ionenes, which are needed to tune the mechanical properties for a wide range of applications.

1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) has been used in polymer synthesis, and DABCO-containing polymers have been found to have excellent antimicrobial properties and enhanced biocompatibility. DABCO-containing non-segmented ionenes have been successfully produced, but few studies have been done using DABCO to create segmented ionenes.

Invention Description

Researchers at Arizona State University have developed a novel synthesis method for polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based segmented ionenes with two structurally different hard segments, linear and heterocyclic aliphatic amines. The ionenes are synthesized through a modified Menshutkin reaction with different weight fractions of hard and soft segments. The segmented ionenes have high strain elongated percentages at high temperatures, and the mechanical properties vary depending on the weight fractions of hard and soft segments. Initial test results showed that both the aliphatic and DABCO-based ionenes were thermally stable up to 250°C.

Potential Applications

  • Controlling charge density in polyelectrolytes
  • Phase change memory devices (PCMs)

Benefits and Advantages

  • High PEG crystalline purity – DABCO-based ionenes displayed high purity at 50% weight of soft segment
  • Superior elastomeric behavior – at temperatures above PEG melting temperature
  • Adaptable – mechanical properties change depending on weight fractions of soft and hard segments

Related Publication: Synthesis and characterization of Poly(ethylene glycol)-based segmented ionenes block copolymer with aliphatic or DABCO hard segments

Related Publication: Synthesis and characterization of poly(tetramethylene oxide)-based segmented ionenes block copolymer with aliphatic or DABCO hard segments