Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology

3D-Printed Nanocomposites Enhanced with Metal Diboride Nanosheets

Tools for Rapid, Single-Molecule Sensitivity, Detection of Viral Nucleic Acids

Low-Leakage Regrown GaN P-N Junctions for GaN Power Devices

Bio-Based Polysulfones for a Renewable and Safer Alternative to Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bioactive Dressing for Accelerated Wound Healing

Functional Nanoglues for Stable Metal Single-Atom and Cluster Catalysts

Physical Unclonable Functions with Silicon-Rich SiOx Dielectric Devices

Novel System for Controlling Ferrofluidic Robots

Regrown p-GaN by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) for GaN Vertical-Channel Junction Field-Effect Transistors (VCJFETs)

Method to Quantify Nanobubble Reactivity in Water