Applied Technologies

UltraScan: Affordable High Spectral-Resolution 3D Imaging Leveraging Robotic Scanning Spectroscopy Combined with Semantic SLAM

Dynamic Voltage Scaling of Image Sensors towards Low-Power loT Vision

Conformal Metasurface Antennas for Angle of Arrival Detection

Phase Noise Cancelling Phase Noise Loop (PLL)

Poly(Tetramethylene Oxide)-Based Segmented Ionenes Block Copolymer with Aliphatic or DABCO Hard Segments

Thermally and Electrically Insulated Structural Member for High-Vacuum Environments

Octopus-Inspired Suction Cups with Embedded Sensors and Actuators

Tandem Antigen Capture ELISAs for Measuring Short and Long Isoforms of QSOX1

Atomic Hydrogen Provision by Cobalt Sites for Superior Ammonia Production

Carbonized Cellulose Fiber and Composites for Ultrafast Electrochemical Capacitors