Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices

Tools for Rapid, Single-Molecule Sensitivity, Detection of Viral Nucleic Acids

Metabolic Profiling for Rapid and Accurate Coccidioidomycosis Diagnostics

3D-Printed Microfluidic Device Featuring Electronically Triggered Droplet Generation and Injection for Serial Crystallography

Novel System for Controlling Ferrofluidic Robots

Novel Antibodies for Detecting Gastric Cancer

Novel Biomarkers for Detecting Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Gastric Cancer

Pathogen Molecular Detection Platform

Method for Automated Protein Purification

System for Single Protein Imaging and Analysis

Data Driven Framework for Actionable Feedback in Insulin Management for Type 1 Diabetic Patients on Artificial Pancreas