Design and Application of Form Factors for Sorbent Materials

Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices

Design and Application of Form Factors for Sorbent Materials

Wastewater Based Epidemiology Portfolio

High-Throughput Direct-Measurement of Telomere Length

Zwitterion Anti-Scaling Membrane Coatings

Platform for High-Throughput Quantification of Neutralizing Antibodies

Antimicrobial Antibody Panels for Lung Cancer Detection

qPCR Based Test to Detect and Quantify Infectious Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)

Label-free Multimetric Measurement of Molecular Binding Kinetics

Novel Modified Surface Attrition Treatment to Generate Corrosion-Resistant Gradient Nano-Grained Surface Layer

Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Microfluidic Platform for Single-Cell Proteomic Analysis