Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices

Device to Hold and Image Cell Culture Flasks and Biodome Technologies

Incorporation of Functional Additive for Byproduct Control in Thermosetting Systems

Anti-Galectin-1 Monoclonal Antibody

Nozzle and Dispenser for Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy Structural Studies

Liquid Mutation Accumulation Experiment

Tandem Antigen Capture ELISAs for Measuring Short and Long Isoforms of QSOX1

DNA Sequencing and Mutation Rate Estimation

Mechanical Flexible Electrodes for Sensing: Self-Standing Conductive Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites

Method for In-Situ Etching of Ga2O3 using Metal Organic Ga Precursors

System to Rapidly Screen and Detect Small Molecules