
Multi-Functional Modifier for Interface of Bitumen and Aggregate (MIBA)

Bio-agent for Extraction of Asphaltene from Silica Tank (BEAST)

Solid Antistrip for Roads: Amine Impregnated Zeolite (AIZ)

Oil-Treated Plastic for Concrete (OTPC)

Cobalt-Copper Nanoenabled Electrodes Enhance Selective Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia for Resource Recovery

Membraneless Method for Electricity Generation from Salinity Gradients

Portable Photoelectrocatalytic Device for Water Disinfection

Long Term Uses of Potable Water Containing Silver Disinfectant in High Surface to Volume Ratio Metallic Surfaces

Microbial Remediation of Halogenated Compounds via Microbial Chain Elongation

Ca-Ce-Ti-Mn-O Perovskites for Solar Thermochemical Water and Carbon Dioxide Splitting