Neurodegenerative Disease Technologies

Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Microfluidic Platform for Single-Cell Proteomic Analysis

Vagus Nerve Stimulator for Post-Stroke Recovery

Improved Electrocorticography Array Designs

Deep Residual Inception Encoder-Decoder Network for Amyloid PET Harmonization

Reagents Targeting Neurodegenerative Diseases and Traumatic Brain Injury

Bi-specific Antibodies as a Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s Disease

Selective Clearance of Beta-Amyloid Using Bispecific Recombinant Antibody fragments

Recombinant Antibody Fragments that Selectively Target Oligomeric Tau Aggregates

Compounds to Modulate Retinoid X Receptors

Compounds to Modulate Retinoid X Receptors