Physical Science

Soft Poly-Limbs: a New Paradigm of Mobile Manipulation for Daily Living Tasks

BABYLON: An End-to-End Visual Analytics System for Massive-Scale Geospatial Data

Scalable Manufacturing of 2D Coordination Polymer Films

A High Albedo Moisture-Retaining Foam Roof System for Energy Savings and Urban Heat Mitigation

An Energy Efficient Hardware Accelerator for an LSTM-RNN

Evacuated Tube Solar Adsorption Heat Pump and Desalination System

Direct Metal Printing with Stereolithography

Four Bar Parallel Actuated Architecture for Exoskeleton Applications Involving the Shoulder, Hip, Wrist, and Ankle

2 Dimensional Coordination Polymers and Synthesis

Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Lanthanum Zirconate and Tape Casting of Films for Conversion to Lithium Lanthanum Zirconate