Physical Science

Selective Deposition of Ge-rich Si-Ge Layers from Single Source Si-Ge Hydrides

InGaN Columnar Nano-Heterostructures for Solar Cells

Rare Earth – Containing, Pb-Free Solders with Enhanced Ductility and Oxidation Resistance

Electrical Devices Including Dendritic Metal Electrodes

Continuous Laterally Varying II-VI Alloys and Applications

A Singe-Phase PV Inverter with Reduce-Sized Passive Components and Improved Energy Yield

Low-Power, Fast and Dense Longest Prefix-Match Content Addressable Memory for IP Routers

Two-terminal multicolor photo-detectors (PD) and focal plane arrays (FPA)

Long Durable Pt/MWCNT Nanocatalyst for High Power PEM Fuel Cells

Structures and Methods for Design Automation of Radiation Hardened Triple Mode Redundant Digital Circuits