Physical Science

Spring-Augmented Quadrotor Featuring Passive Morphing for Obstacle Accommodation During Flight

Photovoltaic Fault Detection Using Feedback-Enhanced Positive Unlabeled Learning

Unsupervised Audio Source Separation Using Generative Priors

Programmable In-Memory Computing Accelerator for Low-Precision Deep Neural Network Inference

Method and System for Microbial Desulfurization and Surface-Activation of Rubber

UV-C Wavelength Side-Emitting Optical Fibers Enabled by Surface Texturing

Improved Mapping of Computational Loops on Reconfigurable Architectures

Modular 3D Printed Devices for Sample Delivery

Method to Measure Thermal Conductivity of Bituminous Materials

Kinetic Model for Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of III-V Bismide Alloys