Physical Science

Recycle of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Hydrothermal Liquefaction Biochar from Galdieria Sulphuraria to Cultivate Microalgae

Compact, Low-Power, High Image Rejection Sideband Separation Receiver

Nanostructure Surfaces for Photovoltaic Cells

Fast-Tracking Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Architecture

Streamflow Determination from Remote Sensing Imagery

Multiphase Direct Ink Writing for 3D Printing

Optimizing Solar Power using Array Topology Reconfiguration and Deep Neural Network

Long Term Uses of Potable Water Containing Silver Disinfectant in High Surface to Volume Ratio Metallic Surfaces

Producing Fungal Leather Material from Molds

Thermally Stable Metallic Glass Films via Steep Compositional Gradients