Physical Science

UltraScan: Affordable High Spectral-Resolution 3D Imaging Leveraging Robotic Scanning Spectroscopy Combined with Semantic SLAM

A Halide-Free Material for Li-Rich Antiperovskite Solid-State Electrolytes

Improving Shape Awareness and Interpretability in Deep Networks

Dynamic Voltage Scaling of Image Sensors towards Low-Power loT Vision

Polynomial Implicit Neural Representations for Large Diverse Datasets

Vapor-Deposited Perovskite Film for Photovoltaic Applications

Conformal Metasurface Antennas for Angle of Arrival Detection

Design of Microfabricated Mechanically Interlocking Metamaterials for Reworkable Heterogeneous Integration

Introducing Dynamic Properties to Polymer Networks Via Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles

Cyber Risk Loss Distribution Model of Client-Server Networks