Materials and Electronics

Magnetic Virtual Transmission Lines for Communication and Power Transfer in Conducting Media

RRAM-Enhanced Differential Threshold Logic Gates That Are Robust For Low Voltage Operation

Low Operating Temperature Na-Fe Redox Battery for High Efficiency, Low-Cost Energy Storage

Aminoglycoside-based Resins and Their Applications

In Situ Electromigration Testing Fixture for X-Ray Microtomography Systems & Electron Microscopes

Real-Time Base Line Correction Method

Rapid and Surfactant-Free Fabrication Method for Sizable Carbon Nanotube Membranes

Devices for High Throughput Manufacture of 3D Macroporous Polymeric Scaffolds

Metal Matrix-Hydrophobic Nanoparticle Composites for Promoting Dropwise Condensation

A Robust Asynchronous Scan Chain and Scanning Mechanism for Testing of Digital VLSI Circuits