Mechanical and Manufacturing

Counter-Rotating Archimedes Screw-Propelled Excavation Rover

Polymeric Mac-Imprint Stamp Materials for High-Density Defect-Free Patterning of Semiconductors

Sulfur-Modified Bitumen with Crystalline Surface Shield Against UV Radiation and Moisture

Synthesis of Nanoscale Metal Feedstock with Low-Temperature Sinterability for 3D Printing

Optimizing Safety Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems

Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical System Control Code by Analysis of Input/Output Response and Observed Behavior

Sol-Gel Method for MAX Phase Microwire Synthesis

Structured Composite Fibers Via Forced Assembly Dry-Jet-Wet Spinning of Carbon Nanotubes and Polyacrylonitrile

Hemp Composites for Construction Materials and Biodegradable Packaging

Production of MAX Phase Cr2GaC Thick Films, Microspheres, and Hollow Microspheres