Alternative Energy/Biofuels/Bioplastics/Algae

Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Delivery (ACED)

Carbon Dioxide Sorbents and Structures

Genetic Manipulations to Increase Biomass Conversion

Targeted Remodeling of Bacterial Genomes Using CRISPR-Nickases

Fast and Accurate Evaluation of Production Performance from a Hydraulically Fractured Well

Synthetic Translation-Sensing Riboswitches

Microbial Production of 2-Phenylethanol & 2-Phenylacetic Acid from Renewable Substrates

Synthetic Metabolic Funneling for Biochemical Production

Methods of Increasing Biomass Productivity in Algae Cultures

Integrated Filamentous Algal and Cyanobacterial Process for Manufacturing Biofuels and Co-Products via Fractionation of Flue Gas, Wastewater, and Solid Agricultural Waste