Intelligence & Security

Low Volume Inflatable Actuator Composites and Applications

Passenger Arrival Estimator and Dynamic Workforce Planner for Airport Security Screening Checkpoints

Coupled Tracking and Motion Deblurring via Coded Exposure: Algorithm and FPGA Architecture

Efficient Multi-Bit Reconfigurable Reflective Surface (RRS) for mmWave and Terahertz Applications

Algorithm for Improved Differentiable Hyperspectral Unmixing

Prediction Algorithm for MHC-bound Peptides & SARS-CoV-2 Peptides for Vaccines

Enhanced High Impedance Fault Detection and Location Accuracy via μ-PMUs

Relay-Aided Intelligent Reconfigurable Surfaces for Robust Performance with Fewer Elements

Machine Recognition of New Gestures After Training with Sign Language

Environmental Mitigation Artificial Intelligence System