Simulation-based Real-time Production Control


Simulation-based Real-time Production Control

Digestion of PET using Long Chain Alcohols

Scoop Device for Passive Capture of CO2

Enhancing Strength of EICP-Treated Sand Using a Protein-Based Additive

Accurate Cooperative Sensor Fusion by Parameterized Covariance Generation for Sensing and Localization Pipelines in CAVs

Octopus-Inspired Suction Cups with Embedded Sensors and Actuators

Design of Microfabricated Mechanically Interlocking Metamaterials for Reworkable Heterogeneous Integration

Vapor Deposited and Doped Perovskite Thin Film for LED Applications

Bounded Rational Game-Theoretical Modeling of Human Joint Actions with Incomplete Information

Adaptive Attitude Control for Foldable Quadrotors