
Non-Invasive Device for Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Soft Wearable Device to Aid in Hemiparetic Gait

Assistive Device for Patients with Somatosensory Impairment in the hands

Co-Flow Injection for Serial Crystallography Using a 3D-Printed Hybrid Nozzle/T-Junction Device

3D-Printed Microfluidic Device Featuring Electronically Triggered Droplet Generation and Injection for Serial Crystallography

Low-Cost Additive Manufacturing of Silver Films for Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants

Thermally Responsive Shape-Morphing Hydrogel for Soft Robotic Actuation

Bio-Based Polysulfones for a Renewable and Safer Alternative to Bisphenol A (BPA)

Counter-Rotating Archimedes Screw-Propelled Excavation Rover

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Delivery of Low-Pressure Hydrogen Gas