
Remotely Tunable Soft Electronics

Mechanical Metamaterials for Ultra-Low Frequency Vibration Isolation

3D-Printed Nanocomposites Enhanced with Metal Diboride Nanosheets

Fabric-Reinforced Textile Actuators (FRTAs) for a Soft Robotic Hand

Non-Invasive Device for Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Soft Wearable Device to Treat Plantar Flexion Contractures

Soft Wearable Device to Aid in Hemiparetic Gait

Assistive Device for Patients with Somatosensory Impairment in the hands

3D-Printed Microfluidic Device Featuring Electronically Triggered Droplet Generation and Injection for Serial Crystallography

Low-Cost Additive Manufacturing of Silver Films for Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants