Physical Science

Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Comprising Self-Compensating Zwitterionic Polymers

Improved Data-Centric Classification Method Including Application to Predictive Risk Scoring

Tag Devices Comprising Self-Compensating Zwitterionic Polymers

MET Based Accelerometer Using Ethylammonium Nitrate (EAN) Based Potassium Iodide Droplets as the Sensing Body

New Multi-nodal Wireless Communication System Method

Sustainable Self-Cooling for CPU Hot Spots Using Thermoelectric Materials

Magnetic Virtual Transmission Lines for Communication and Power Transfer in Conducting Media

Microfluidic Crystallization Array based on Gradient Mixing

Cross-Network Compatible Streaming Using Independent Filename-Indexed Video Segments

A Novel Composite Ceramic Laser Material Embedded With Single Crystal Rare-Earth Compound Nanorods