Physical Science

Thermally and Electrically Insulated Structural Member for High-Vacuum Environments

Statically Stable Hexapedal Walking Robot Platform

Octopus-Inspired Suction Cups with Embedded Sensors and Actuators

AUDACity: DAC Polymer-Enhanced Cyanobacterial Bioproductivity

Nozzle and Dispenser for Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy Structural Studies

Atomic Hydrogen Provision by Cobalt Sites for Superior Ammonia Production

Mechanical Flexible Electrodes for Sensing: Self-Standing Conductive Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites

Carbonized Cellulose Fiber and Composites for Ultrafast Electrochemical Capacitors

Low-Temperature Welding of Copper Nanoporous Powders for High Surface Area Electrodes

Functional Ultrathin Battery Separator