
Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Microscale Ti-6Al-4V Wires using an Innovative Experimental Method

Scalable Design and Manufacturing of Functional Metastructures and Metamaterials

Phase Noise Cancelling Phase Noise Loop (PLL)

MET Based Accelerometer Using Ethylammonium Nitrate (EAN) Based Potassium Iodide Droplets as the Sensing Body

Method and apparatus to enhance read accuracy in resistive crosspoint array

MTDiet: Real Time Diet Assessment with Thermal Image of Food

Phosphorus Doped Diamond Electrode with Tunable Low Work Function for Emitter and Collector Applications

Hydrogen Production Using Alkali-Metal-Doped BiVO4 for Near-Perfect Suppression of Bulk Recombination by Photo-Electrochemical Water Oxidation