Semiconductors, Materials & Processes

Sustainable Dehydrocoupling and Hydrofunctionalization Methods for Preparing Aminosilanes, Polysilazane Coatings, and Silicones

Photoreversible Polymers for Water Dispersibility

Long Range Ordered Semiconductor Interface Phase and Oxides

Selective Deposition of Ge-rich Si-Ge Layers from Single Source Si-Ge Hydrides

InGaN Columnar Nano-Heterostructures for Solar Cells

Rare Earth – Containing, Pb-Free Solders with Enhanced Ductility and Oxidation Resistance

Electrical Devices Including Dendritic Metal Electrodes

Dendritic Electrode Formation Via Liquid Overlayers

Low complexity Out-of-Order Issue Logic using Static circuits

Thin Film Ferrite Lamination Method