Materials and Electronics

Improved Method for 3D Nano/Microfabrication of Shell-Stabilized Liquid Metal Pipe Networks

Self-Aligned Fabrication of Silicon Heterojunction Interdigitated Back Contact Solar Cells

Fast Computation of Excitation Patterns, Auditory Pattern and Loudness

MET Based Accelerometer Using Ethylammonium Nitrate (EAN) Based Potassium Iodide Droplets as the Sensing Body

New Multi-nodal Wireless Communication System Method

Sustainable Self-Cooling for CPU Hot Spots Using Thermoelectric Materials

Magnetic Virtual Transmission Lines for Communication and Power Transfer in Conducting Media

RRAM-Enhanced Differential Threshold Logic Gates That Are Robust For Low Voltage Operation

Low Operating Temperature Na-Fe Redox Battery for High Efficiency, Low-Cost Energy Storage

Aminoglycoside-based Resins and Their Applications