Mechanical and Manufacturing

Four Bar Parallel Actuated Architecture for Exoskeleton Applications Involving the Shoulder, Hip, Wrist, and Ankle

Fish-Inspired Robot with Pectoral Fins

Origami-Inspired Wearable Robot for Trunk Support

Shifting Weight-Based Interfaces for Simulated Hydrodynamics in Mixed-Reality Fluid Vessels (SWISH)

Efficient Synthesis of Holey Graphene by Microwave-Assisted Chemical Etching

Mechanical Metamaterials for Ultra-Low Frequency Vibration Isolation

Low-Cost Additive Manufacturing of Silver Films for Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants

Counter-Rotating Archimedes Screw-Propelled Excavation Rover

Polymeric Mac-Imprint Stamp Materials for High-Density Defect-Free Patterning of Semiconductors

Sulfur-Modified Bitumen with Crystalline Surface Shield Against UV Radiation and Moisture