
Bio-agent for Extraction of Asphaltene from Silica Tank (BEAST)

Solid Antistrip for Roads: Amine Impregnated Zeolite (AIZ)

Oil-Treated Plastic for Concrete (OTPC)

Vagus Nerve Stimulator for Post-Stroke Recovery

Scalable Additive Manufacturing of Polymeric Material with Metallic Structures in a Room Environment

Method for Designing Ultra-Compliant Interwoven Meta-Materials

Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Microscale Ti-6Al-4V Wires using an Innovative Experimental Method

Nanotwinned Ni Films with High Strength and Ductility

Thermally Stable Metallic Glass Films via Steep Compositional Gradients

Portable Photoelectrocatalytic Device for Water Disinfection