Semiconductor Devices

Carbonized Cellulose Fiber and Composites for Ultrafast Electrochemical Capacitors

Machine Learning Enhanced Analog-to-Digital Converters

Miniaturized Single-Phase AC/DC Power Converters via Harmonically Partitioned Power Electronics

Materials and Optical Devices Based on Group IV Quantum Wells Grown on Si-Ge-Sn Buffered Silicon

Reverse Body Bias for Improved Integrated Circuit Total Ionizing Dose Response

Hybrid Space Vector PWM Schemes for Interleaved Three-Phase Converters

PWM Control of Dual Active Bridge Converters

Synthesis of Amorphous Si3N4-xPx Dielectrics

III-Nitride Based N-Polar Vertical Tunnel Transistors with High-Power Functionality

A Novel Composite Ceramic Laser Material Embedded With Single Crystal Rare-Earth Compound Nanorods