Wireless & Networking

Accurate Cooperative Sensor Fusion by Parameterized Covariance Generation for Sensing and Localization Pipelines in CAVs

UAV System with Vital Sign Sensing, Communications, and Positioning Estimation

Terrestrial Observing Network for Digital Twins: Real-Time 3D Mapping of Metric, Semantic, Topological, and Physicochemical Properties for Optimal Environmental Monitoring

UltraScan: Affordable High Spectral-Resolution 3D Imaging Leveraging Robotic Scanning Spectroscopy Combined with Semantic SLAM

Phase Noise Cancelling Phase Noise Loop (PLL)

Lateral Vehicle Motion in Chassis Dynamometer

Design of Device to Infer Hand Interactions by Fusing Depth Sensing and Bioacoustics

Attributing Image Generative Models Using Latent Fingerprints

High Fidelity Fast Simulation of Human in the Loop Human in the Plant (HIL-HIP) Systems

Machine Learning Enhanced Analog-to-Digital Converters